Expertise in Node.js empowers our full-stack team to deliver robust and highly performant applications. With a deep understanding of this JavaScript runtime environment, we excel in building scalable and efficient server-side solutions.
– RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Redis Queue (RQ): For implementing task queues and distributed systems.
A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that simplifies the development of server-side applications and APIs.
It is one of the fastest NodeJS web frameworks. Extensible, asynchronous, supports HTTP/2, provides dependency injection, and comes with built-in schema validation using JSON schema.
– Restify: A Node.js framework designed for building RESTful APIs.
– Hapi.js: A configuration-centric framework for building web and API applications.
A library for enabling real-time, bidirectional communication between clients and the server using WebSockets or other transport mechanisms.
Technologies like WebSocket API, Socket.IO, and WebSocket libraries for enabling real-time communication and building chat applications.
– WebSockets, Socket.IO: Technologies for building real-time chat applications and collaborative tools.
– WebRTC: A framework for building real-time audio and video communication apps.
– MongoDB: A NoSQL database often used with Node.js due to its flexibility and JSON-like documents.
– MySQL, PostgreSQL: Traditional relational databases that can be used with Node.js via libraries like Sequelize or Knex.
– Redis: An in-memory data store that can be used for caching, session management, and real-time data processing.
– Cassandra, Couchbase, and other NoSQL databases for specific use cases.
A query language for APIs that can be used with Node.js to provide a flexible and efficient way to request data from the server.
– Passport: A popular library for implementing authentication strategies in Node.js applications.
– OAuth: For integrating third-party authentication (e.g., using social media logins).
– JSON Web Tokens (JWT): A commonly used method for token-based authentication.
– Auth0, Okta: Services for handling user authentication and authorization in Node.js applications.
– npm (Node Package Manager): The default package manager for Node.js, used for managing dependencies.
– Yarn: An alternative package manager that offers improved performance and reproducibility.
– Bower: Package manager not so popularly used now, but still used by legacy applications. Knowledge of this helps in the enhancement of old NodeJS applications.
– Grunt, Gulp: Task runners that automate common development tasks like minification, compilation, and testing.
– Webpack: A popular module bundler that can be used to bundle client-side JavaScript and assets.
– Mocha, Jasmine, Jest: Testing frameworks for writing unit and integration tests.
– Supertest: A library for testing HTTP assertions in Node.js applications.
– Docker and Kubernetes: Containerization and orchestration technologies for deploying and managing microservices.
– Serverless platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions for event-driven, scalable applications.
– Winston: A popular logger for Node.js applications.
– Sentry, Loggly, and similar services for error tracking and monitoring.
– Helmet: A middleware for securing Express.js applications.
– CORS handling: Techniques for managing cross-origin resource sharing in Node.js applications.
– Next.js or Nuxt.js for server-side rendering of React and Vue applications, respectively.
Libraries like Pug (formerly Jade), EJS, and Handlebars for rendering dynamic HTML templates on the server.
– RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Redis Queue (RQ): For implementing task queues and distributed systems.
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