Welcome to Okruti Technology & IT Solutions

Our React Team

React team at Okruti is a bunch of experts in React for website development carrying a deep understanding of this popular JavaScript library’s core concepts and advanced features. Our React team is capable of :-

  • creating highly efficient and interactive web applications with reusable components, optimal state management, and a responsive user interface.
  • Their proficiency allows them to architect complex application structures, handle data flows with libraries like Redux or Mobx, and integrate with various back-end technologies.
  • They are adept at employing modern JavaScript practices, optimizing performance, and ensuring best practices in code organization and maintainability.
  • Our team have the skills to design and implement sleek, user-friendly interfaces that provide a seamless user experience while efficiently managing application state and data flow.

How we roll the wheel

State Management:

Redux: A predictable state container for managing the application's state in a centralized manner. - Mobx: Another state management library for React that focuses on simplicity and reactivity.


React Router: A popular library for adding client-side routing to React applications.


CSS Modules: Local scope CSS styles for React components. - Styled-components: A library for writing CSS within your JavaScript code using tagged template


Sass/SCSS: Popular CSS pre-processors for creating maintainable and structured stylesheets. - LESS: CSS pre-processor that extends capabilities of normal CSS by adding features like mixins, nesting, variables, functions, and more. It is good for maintaining complex stylesheets.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR):

Next.js: A framework for building server-rendered React applications with features like automatic code splitting and routing.

Static Site Generation (SSG):

Gatsby: A static site generator that uses React for building fast and optimized websites.

Mobile App Development:​

React Native: A framework for building native mobile apps for iOS and Android using React.

API Integration:

 Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.

GraphQL: A query language for your API, often used with libraries like Apollo Client.

REST API libraries: Various libraries for making RESTful API requests, such as Fetch or Axios


Firebase Authentication: A popular authentication service that integrates well with React. – Auth0: A platform for authentication and authorization.


Jest: A widely used testing framework for React applications. – React Testing Library: A testing library that encourages best practices for testing React components.

Build Tools:

Webpack: A popular module bundler for optimizing and building React applications. – Babel: A JavaScript compiler for transforming cutting-edge JavaScript into a backward-compatible version.

FeberererContinuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD):

Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI: CI/CD tools to automate building and deploying React applications. – Netlify, Vercel, AWS Amplify: Hosting and deployment platforms specifically designed for modern web applications.

- Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore: Cloud-based databases for real-time data storage. - MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL: Traditional databases that can be used with React applications via server-side APIs.
- TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that provides strong type checking for React applications. - ES6/ESNext: Using the latest ECMAScript features in your React code.
- React Profiler: A built-in tool for profiling React components and optimizing performance. - React.memo(): A function for optimizing functional components by memoizing them.
- React-Intl: A library for internationalization in React applications.